Yup – It Happened

You guessed it! Okay, maybe not… but I am no longer a high school student! Why? GRADUATION! YUP YUP!

I expected that I would get all emotional and cry, but you know what? I didn’t shed a single tear. Sure, I got a little teary eyed, but that was it. That only occurred when I started talking to Sra. Armstrong (my Spanish teacher).

Oh and the people who I sat by, Mikael (the Icelandic exchange student) and Cameron (A kid I only met today), are super cool. We rehearsed shaking hands and receiving our diplomas… let me tell you – it is harder than it looks. haha. These two gents both made graduation fun and after we walked quality high fives were exchanged. There was much laughter shared and many smiles to be had. 

Also, the speeches were pretty great! They were very motivational and from the heart. It was awesome.

Lastly, I was able to talk to a lot of people for probably the last time ever. I mean, I want to not say “goodbye” to some, but others, I think it is time we part ways.

Now is the start to a complete new portion of my life! Am I scared? NO WAY! It’s time to see what adventures are in store!

So… Here’s to all the graduates out there! You did it! And to all those who are getting there – FINISH STRONG!

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